Qwy3 - WIP Minecraft-like in Rust & Wgpu

2024-03-06 | #Rust #Wgpu

Work in progress Minecraft-like. This project intends to serve as a base to experiment with procedural generation a bit more than what is usually done in Minecraft-likes. This page will only present what is already implemented and will not focus of the future of this project (for which I have so many ideas). GitHub repository Features Infinite world in all directions including up and down, thanks to cubic chunks.

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Qwy2 - Previous Minecraft-like attempt in C++ & OpenGL

2024-03-06 | #C++ #OpenGL

The previous Minecraft-like attempt before Qwy3. GitHub repository Features Infinite world in all directions including up and down, thanks to cubic chunks. Chunk meshing with covered face culling and ambiant occlusion trick. Multiple procedural terrain generators. Home made noise computation with up to 3 floating point dimensions and 1 integer dimpension. Blocks can be placed and removed. Saving/loading to/from named saves on disk.

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Noizebra - Handmade noise and experiments in Rust

2024-03-06 | #Rust

A prototype for the noise implementation of Qwy3, and a collection of experiments with the noise to discover ways to manipulate it into intresting or desired shapes (Qwy3 also uses that experience). GitHub repository Features Unoptimized prototype implementation of a value noise. Octaves wrapper around the noise. The noise is N-dimensional, accepting any number of floating point and integer parameters. A collection of experiments on ways to manipulate and shape the noise into images, to serve as prototypes for procedural generation in Qwy3.

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IPSYS - Particle system with nice random laws in C & OpenGL

2024-03-06 | #C #OpenGL

Visualizer of a particle system with randomized interaction laws that often happen to be quite mesmerizing to contemplate. Fast, colorful and somewhat intresting. GitHub repository Features Particle system that runs on the GPU in a compute shader. Different particle types, the number of which is decided at launch time. Interaction laws for each oriented pair of particle types: The interaction laws depend on the distance between the interactee and the interacter particles.

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Custom Build System for C/C++ in Python

2024-03-06 | #C #C++ #Python

Handmade build system for C/C++ executable projects, made in Python. Features Creating new source files warrant no modification of the build system. Incremental compilation, keeps artifacts and recompile only the translation units that have changed. Parses source files for #includes to make an inclusion graph and propagate changes in headers down the graph to flag all concerned translation units for recompilation correctly.

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Push Dungeon - Roguelike with sokoban-like mechanics in Rust

2024-03-06 | #Rust

Dungeon crawler on a procedurally generated square-tiled grid with turn-based sokoban-like mechanics. Instead of winning by grinding and having high enough stats, what if we fight by carefully controlling the layout like we win in a sokoban-like puzzle game? Push and pull objects on the grid, anticipate or even bait the enemies in a position in which you win, avoid getting cornered or blocked as the “redo"s (points spent to cancel actions) are limited and as precious as HP, if not more.

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SFLK - Interpreted programming language implemented in Rust

2024-03-06 | #Rust

Trying their hand at “making their own programming language” is common place among programmers. My attempt at an interpreted language aimed at trying new things instead of focussing on speed, having fun instead of believing that my language would attract any intrest, there are hundreds of new languages each months after all. GitHub repository Features Handmade tokenizer and parser. Handmade implementation of big integers and arbitrarily precise fractions (!

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Spine - Compiled stack-based language implemented in C then Rust

2024-03-06 | #C #Rust #x86_64 machine code

Compiler of a stack-based simple language down to ELF executable with x86_64 machine code generated by handwritten code (no assembly), which works! First started in C, then a rewrite in Rust was started with better abstractions. GitHub repository of the C version GitHub repository of the Rust attempt Features Generates working ELF executables with generated x86_64 machine code. ELF headers generator.

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